So much has happened since my last post! Like ughhh I got engaged!!!! Lol I saw a draft entry entitled "First Time Bride" I guess I forgot to complete it so I will come back to that another time I suppose! It's been a rip roaring adventure. I love love love him and I love love love us! It's been everything I could imagine I'd want. So why has my working out and eating right routine slacked off? I don't know! He's been on a good roll after I introduced him to Paleo and I just fell way off. My weight stabilized and I guess I kept pushing the envelop to see what could happen.
What would life be like for me if I could just eat and drink what I want? How freeing would it be to have no worries about calories and carbs? Who would I be? I mean so much of my life has been spent on dieting and exercising or thinking about dieting and exercising or complaining about dieting and exercising lol How would I feel if it all just didn't matter?
That's why I can't stand Paleo...
Paleo reminds me I'm not special. See in the other areas of my life things just kinda happen for me not that I dont put in effort but not nearly as much as I have to put in when it comes to "living a healthy lifestyle" that's pretty normalizing to me in fact it's down right demoralizing when I generally feel pretty extraordinary in other endeavors.
That's why I can't stand Paleo...
Paleo tells me I don't get to cut corners.
Paleo tells me I'm forced to make the effort, go the extra mile, take the extra time and slow down...I don't like to slow down by the way :-D
So that's why I can't stand Paleo because it makes me be viligant when I want to be lazy. Paleo tells me what I feed my body much I exercise matters...what I cook matters...
Ughhh Paleo! I can't stand you! But losing five pounds in five days tells me Paleo is like that annoying Professor who dares to care enough so she pushes you to your full potential... You remember the one you emailed years later to say thank you for being an inspiration. Yeah... So on March 1st after driving three hours in the freezing rain from William & Mary Law School after participating in an American Bar Assoication panel I went to the supermarket and stocked up on fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and nuts to get back on track! After all that I came home started cooking soup soup and got on my treadmill...after taking off some clothing and dusting it off lol
It hasn't been a perfect six days... I've been cranky (apologies), I've had some carbs, and some cheese but definitely not what I would normally have.
I lost 5 pounds, feel less bloated, I'm drinking more water, sleeping better and I'm trying new recipes. All good things.
Paleo is a good thing...I woke up at 5am, brushed my teeth, got on the treadmill...for 70 minutes! Paleo encourages better behavior because your body responds so quickly. I woke up thinking all I got is 35 minutes in me but I took my iPad with me and I went on Instagram and looked at #Paleo and before I knew it I surprised my goal and it felt good.
I will do better with blogging! Promise!