Wednesday, September 7, 2016

WHOLE 30 Day 2 & 3

And so it begins! My first time buying an avocado thank you Whole 30. That may be the best part of this journey trying new healthy things and actually enjoying them!
Morning! Well I am checking in as promised to give details about my Whole 30 journey. As I mentioned in the last post this is my first time doing Whole 30 so we will learn together! I am totally taking advantage of the online resources like the Facebook groups and the Instagram community #SeptemberWhole30 to learn as much as I can and get great ideas.

Ok so here's the thing I don't trust myself so I am still doing Weight Watchers which requires tracking as well as weighing in. I get the Whole 30 mindset but I'm not there so maybe if I do a round two I can step away from that level of accountability. I know I need when it comes to portion control and support and Weight Watchers is still my answer. Case in point... Day 2 but I'll get to that!

So yesterday was Day 2 and I made good use of my time. I worked from home meaning I did not have my normal 1.5 hour commute in the morning followed by a 2 hour (if I'm lucky) commute home. I did some meal prepping Monday and Tuesday and I will be honest it really didn't take that much work or time. I did more shopping and will share what I got as well!

Tuesday: Day 2

Egg whites w/ ham, peppers, onions and spinach- 0
Cherry tomatoes -0
Guacamole - 3
Sweet potatoes mash with fried onions - 5

Roasted Yellow Pepper with Beef- 7

Left over Yellow pepper

Now for the Snacks:
1/2 cup salted pistachios- 5
Trader Joe's Go Raw Trek mix (small bag 1.4 cup)-7
Trader Joe's Roasted Plantain Chips (20 chips) -5

Total: 33 points (I get 30 a day)

See what happened here? Snacks off the chain. And not just 0 point snacks either. Now what I find fascinating is that these extra snacks are soooo high in points but are Whole 30 approved! But the fat content in nuts is high I guess same for the chips. Clearly I need a plan. I purchased them to be proactive because of snack at work! Around 2pm or 3pm I am always looking for a salty and/or sweet snack. Lately that means a trip to the vending machine for a 10 point treat. Now when you only get about 30 points a 10 point bag or bar of anything may fit into your weekly points but one its not a healthy option and two its a slippery slope and really easy to keep making bad choices. So I purchased a few items I'll list below and taste test them for ya!

So for today's menu:

Chicken Sausage- 3
1 Veggie egg muffin- 2
Sweet potato mash with onions (1/2 cup)- 5

Banana -0
1 TBSP Almond Butter
Trader Joe Roasted Plantain chips (10)- 2


Salmon- 4 points
Romaine lettuce- 0


Baked chicken with Spices -3 points
Spinach sauteed - 1

That still leaves me with 7 points today so I have some pistachios in baggies and fresh fruit.

Meal and snack prep. I used my measuring cup so I had the portions down correctly and I used my snack size bags and packed them up. Best tip as soon as you come home from shopping do the work!

My day at a glance! Egg whites I got from Sam's there were six boxes for about $6.00 

More snacks! 

My Trader Joe haul! 

They are high in points and a lil too sweet for me but I think a good  options

Almond butter and bananas. LOVE IT!


DAY 3 Breakfast

My 7 point Trader Joe Go Trek Raw Trail mix. The worst part is this is not the one I really like but that has added sugar. :-( 

I've been reading a lot of post about headaches and feeling tires and how hellish Day 2 and 3 can be. I have not had any of those problems! I was talking to my sister and I was saying maybe its because I've done Paleo before and by and large I do not each a lot of starches or sugar in general its just isn't hitting me. I have more energy, I am sleeping better and I am still working out along this 100 plus day journey. I don't know what gives some of my sorors in the AKA Women workout groups have had headaches etc so if you are feeling that ride it out!

Of course I snuck on the scale for two reasons! One I need the positive feedback. two I am headed away and will not make it to my normal WW meeting. So far down another 2.8!!! I may try to weigh in on Friday evening to get it officially but we will see! So far so good!


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