Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanks Walmart!

Well I am on the road again :-)  This time I am in Atlanta! Its a festive trip since one of my best soror-friends is getting married on Saturday!!!!! I mentioned this before since I am actually not in knots about being a bridesmaid for once in my life since I was able to buy a dress right off the rack! That may not seem like a big deal BUT every other wedding I always had to buy the biggest size and have it altered (up) to eventually fit! Not this time! The dress actually had some room!

Its been a mess food wise though! But thank God for My Fitness Pal it allowed me to log in and keep track even if it is after the damage! :-)

Well my workout updates:

~I walked the Atlanta airport I have noooo idea how long it was distance wise but it took like 35 minutes & I was sweating. They have a train and most people took that but a few of us walked it! I even had my 2 carry on bags! Whew!

~I did 2 -10 minute On Demand workouts one was cardio and the other was Pilates

~I did 60 minutes of a made up workout this morning!
 I did a 20 minute power walk in my friend's neighborhood but I wasn't feeling the nature walk lol so I figured out how to get into the gym at the complex and did another 20 minutes on Libby the elliptical and did another 20 minutes of weights! Whew!

But I have to thank Walmart! Somehow I left all my workout clothing! My primary goal was to not forget the bridesmaid's dress lol so somehow I missed the workout clothing! Last night we made a Walmart run and I found a cute workout outfit! The pants were $7 and the shirt was $5

No Excuses! Ok I hate these kinds of self shots but everyone was sleeping lol

Well I had a good workout and I think I shall return to Walmart for more of the pants! Very comfy Daskin pants!

Ok so while I only went to Walmart for eye makeup remover and $2 wine I ended up with a cart-full of Walmart goodness! Always! Its such a love/hate relationship! LOL

I shall do a foodp*rn post upon my return :-) As those of you who have been on this journey with me since last year, may recall I hit my goal in May and went on a series of roadtrips the first of which was to Atlanta, then it was New York, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Louis, & then New Orleans!  Needless to say my goal weight went bye bye and I have been trying to get back for a year now! I am up 3 pounds according to the scale in the apartment gym. :-(   Butttt after the Italian food I had last yesterday I sure nuff ate 3 pounds of food so I can't be so mad lol

I am hoping to get one more workout tomorrow before we go to get our hair done and since we are staying at the hotel tonight I am going to try and workout again before the rehearsal or right afterwards but definitely tomorrow morning! Which will mean being mindful of what I eat and drink tonight at the "hen party" because I gotta get it in!



  1. LOL!You really on the move! I love Danskin pants from Walmart. I love their whole line! My pants are actually too big for me know so maybe it's time for another trip to be some mediums! Love that you keep checking on me at myfitness pal. Doing that food journal is very eye opening!

  2. Lawdie traveling can be the devil! I am about to post an update b/c really helped me on this journey! I am glad you don't mind the checking in lol it keeps me on point too! Ohhh and I have never seen the Daskins pants at my Walmart esply not for $7 I may swing by there later and double check they are great! Yeah we need to start a clothing exchange I been eyeing that dress you had a SARC last year for the banquet lol
