Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bootcamp Day #1

Well I did it! I got up and went to Day #1 of the Chizel It Bootcamp! Let me tell you something...it was hard! My mind was racing all night, it finally got quiet around midnight then I jumped back up at 3am and I knew I was in for it!

Well to put things in perspective I was asked to be the Fundraising Chairman of my sorority's Foundation...humm well asked isn't really the right word...what had happened was I gave two ideas and someone quickly nominated me and someone quickly seconded and the vote was called and all I heard was "all in favor say I" and I got the job lol I've never been a fundraising chair let alone on the fundraising committee so I appreciate the vote of confidence. And in classic me fashion I hit the ground running by the next morning I had a proposal for our first event and by the end of the week the second for the other event. So it is going well. It is nice to see that the skills I have are transferable to others areas or service. :-)

Anyway all that was to say I had a meeting last night so I didn't get home until after 9pm then I spent a good bit of time talking with a Soror and finally I called it a night after 10:30pm. 

So I am not working on much sleep. A/w the workout was great! Charles set up circuits or stations and we went around for 1 minute and a half doing various exercises like jumping on the trampoline, leg presses, working on shoulders with the pull down machine, working on biceps by sitting on a workout ball and doing bicep curls with hand weights, and a few other things that produced a lot of sweat! We ended the class with 10 minutes of ab work which I know I will feel later!

All in all it was a great workout and at least there was light out by the time we left. I still had time to get home, take a shower, get on the road, and catch my 8am bus. 

I think Bootcamps are great ways to jump start your workouts but in a group of 15 I know myself I will slack off which is why I am now so dependent on having a personal trainer; Charles helps to keep me honest. That one and one time is invaluable but I must say this Bootcamp helped me to refocus my goals!

My goal is 19 LBs by NY Eve! If you say it fast it rhymes :-)

Anyway it was a great workout and I sooo missed morning workouts so this perfect! I actually have this week off from one of my teaching jobs so at least my body can get used to it. Hopefully! Oh and I forgot I put a plea out on facebook to some of my sorors to join me and few said they would! So I was soooo happy when one of my favorite Sorors came and I met another Soror so yet another positive thing! below is my new vision board! the picture was from my friend Tosha's wedding. I must say I think I look guuuuddd! Anyway like I said I felt inspired so I did another one on the online O Dream Board! Thank you Oprah! Its really a cool tool!

Well I can't lie and say I am not dragging a little bit in spite of being proud of myself but at least I got it done! :-)

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