Friday, January 8, 2010

Reverence for Your Body

Jan 2010-My Personal Trainer Charles & Me after a tough workout! Thanks Charles!

I am doing this The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse by Debbie Ford on ! The focus of the cleanse is described as a way " building a profound and intimate relationship with your soul and the infinite force that fuels you with the will to live your highest potential. It is a profound process for cleaning up the past, getting honest about the present, and envisioning a future unlike anything you've ever imagined. This process offers a full-immersion approach to spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with your deepest purpose. Designed to support you in letting go of all the false beliefs and assumptions that no longer serve you, this cleanse will guide you to a deep and profound relationship with the greatest love imaginable, a love that can occur only when you've made peace with yourself, others, and your life as it is right now. And I can tell you with unshakable confidence that it will work for you if you allow it to."

I would remiss in my duties if I failed to mention plainly that weight loss is as much a physical journey as it is a mental one. Thats why I like Weight Watchers its not just this is how much you should eat it. It also gives you tools to explore why you want to eat when you are not hungry, how to set goals along the journey, and how to look at the big picture. WW is limited however which is why I explore other ways to work around the mental and emotional aspects of weight loss.

Day 5 of the 21 day process is about forgiving yourself for the ways in which you mistreated your body and didn't treat it like the temple it is. Not only over eating (guilty!!), but over working (yup!!), not getting enough rest (yes!!!), over exercising (Guilty!!!!), not eating properly (guilty!!!), and not respecting it in other ways as well. I sometimes dwell on the past but there is no power in past behaviors unless I give them power. This is a good day for me! I made some commitments to my body today that I will share with you all.

I commit to:
-feeding it properly
-exercising responsibly & regularly
-treating it like the scared vessel it is
-loving my body
-listening to my body
-embracing my body
-trusting my body
-being kind to my body
-respecting my body
-not allowing anyone to abuse my body
-appreciating my body
-vacation JUST for fun (Trinidad & Panama here I come)
-pampering my body regularly & consistently!

What can you add to your TO DO list to treat your body temple better this year?

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