Monday, April 19, 2010

Staying on point

Well I felt like I had a good weekend. I didn't feel like I went overboard but I was up a few pounds this morning. I think it may have been the fish (sodium) I had and I started in on the Italian ices cravings again. Something about summer makes me think of the Bronx and Italian ices. They have 120 calories and no fat and its an 8 pack...and ughhh I dont have any left from I think Thursday when I bought the pack? Yikes! Not good. I also had a cola champagne. About the same calories and no real value...I just like it! lol
Ok another thing I didn't exercise this weekend. At all! I had a lunch on Saturday and then I went home to sleep for the bowling event that night. Sunday I spent the whole day in bed basically so I have not worked out since last....Wednesday maybe? Quick math 120 calories x 9 items = over 1,000 calories on crap. I also bought these Athenos baked pita chips manna from heaven type snacks and the bag is done... yeah...they are about 120 calories a serving that I think about it lol and I am back-journaling today ---meaning I wasn't using my WW journal AS I WAS EATING these items... WW Rule to live by... "You bite it , your write it!"
On top of all of that I tried to do the right thing and packed my 0 point WW soup, a baked potato, lite sour cream and some cheddar cheese and I LEFT IT IN MY CAR!!!! I bought some chicken salad on wheat bread and I am having water.... Ok so back to basics for me!
So I went into work today and I am meeting with my trainer Charles at 5:30 tonight. I hate working out at "night" but I gotta do what I gotta do. I will more than likely stay for the Brickhouse cardio class with Dwayne too; I need it... :-)

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