Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday's Report

Well went back to the gym on Sunday. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and the 1 hour long Body Combat class. Les Mills is the best! I really enjoy the workout but I can say for certain I felt sluggish in the class. I made it through it and that's the only thing that matters but I see working out has to be a regular routine in my life or it is harder and harder to commit myself to this lifestyle. I did so/so food wise on Sunday. I had a Soror's birthday brunch and it was a buffet. I think this article gives good tips and if I should ever find myself at a buffet in the next 6 months I will use more of these strategies CLICK HERE
I had way too much. As a rule of thumb I avoid situations where I can over do it. I have not been here in over a year so I thought I could handle it but I was wrong so... one more year. I am not kicking myself and I journal ed everything and what it showed me was over eating is a slippery slope for me because then i came home and had 3 of them darn WW oatmeal raising cookies an d milk and trial mix. I wasn't even hungry! But it was "dinner time" and I had to have something. Frustrating. I can't give up an inch. I do understand the body is going to find for the pounds it lost and my brain is not helping so I need to be vigilant about my exercise and not putting myself in situations where temptation to over eat will over come me. So no buffets for a minute. Even if I go to a palce with one I will order from the menu and be done with it. I have a trip coming up and I am goign to find me a Weight Watchers meeting in that place I want to stay on my game and have a good weigh in this weekend regardless!
But that's all for now. Thanks for the positive feedback on the last entry I will do another one soon!

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