Finish line at end of 3.4
6 days to go!
Sunday I wanted to do the 17.5 mile ride again and boy was I in for a surprise! The first time I did only 15 miles because the marker was a middle school well I turned around at the wrong school lol that extra 2 miles makes a big dang difference. Jesus Lord I called His name several times. I have no choice but to get a new ipod and take it for the ride the mind is crazy alone all that time. It took me 3 hours! WAY TOO LONG! But about 30 minutes in the heavens opened up WIDE! It was a light drizzle that turned into a full on rain storm then into a monsoon! I was like God you got jokes?! Several people stopped and tried to wait it out and it just wasn't letting up. Everyone had a good attitude and kept saying "Some great weather huh?" LOL All I kept saying back was well at least next week if its clear we'll have nothing to complain about since we did this. My clothing felt like cement at a certain point. So between the amount of riding, the rain in my eyes and slashing in my face, the cars and the wet clothing I was too through!! But I did it. I walked a good portion on the tail end but like I was saying about the hills at a certain point the legs were just not interested. I still need to get the energy bites and this week I will do the walking course and swim aint touching the bike lol
I finally came home and my bf so sweet bought me a pillow top for my mattress. My bed feels like a cloud! I took a shower and a quick lay down but didn't sleep and really couldn't. I used a heating pad the whole night though. No realllll pain so I am happy about that. Less than a week! I am looking forward to it!!!
Way to go soror! I wish I lived in your area, because I would suffer the pain with you! I think it is an awesome thing you are doing! Keep up the good work!!!